Sky Blue Therapy Counselling & Psychotherapy with Holly Nason in Haslemere, Surrey

Weight Loss

Have you spent your life drifting from one weight loss programme to another? Ever wonder why the weight just keeps returning and some? I have worked in this field since starting out. Providing knowledge and encouraging an understanding of self as to the psychological impacts of food. I not only use counselling but can get creative using visualisation, mindfulness and psycho-education to provide you with an understanding of why food plays such a role in your life.

'Why don't you just stop eating' well if it was that easy we would all be happy with our weight. This seriously misunderstood subject brings shame, rejection and isolation. It is a subject that still seems socially acceptable to 'bully'. I am passionate in this area, and use the past and present to explore how the future may look.

Domestic Violence

There is so much more to domestic then alot of people understand. I often use the term 'being grated like a block of cheese on a cheese grater, and then being left to pick up the pieces and figure out how to put them back together'. Have you been in or currently in a situation that doesn't feel quite right, has your self esteem hit an all time low and you don't know where to start to put yourself back together? With a friendly experienced listening ear, I would be honoured to travel on your train taking the journey with you on becoming whole once again.

Self Esteem

With the work I do, there is always a more underlying lack of love for self. How do you feel about learning to love yourself again, do you remember what that even feels like? Using more creative tools, and looking at how you see yourself, I encourage a journey to find who you really are and why you can love yourself as this person.


What is depression? Scientists say it is a chemical imbalance. Those around you may say its made up, an excuse not to do something. What do you say it is? When it starts to burden you is the time to seek support. I can be that support to encourage the climb over the mountain that sometimes feels impossible to get over.

Mindfulness for teens

Working at the local youth group, I run group mindfulness sessions to encourage relaxation skills to be used outside of the group. I build a relationship with each individual with congruence and unconditional positive regard to encourage openness and trust between us. We complete creative tasks and enable time where there is no technology to talk and be open.


I have found myself over recent years attracting more neurodiverse clients, turns out it was because I could relate them on an entire different level that I myself had no clue how, turns out I am neurodiverse myself, who knew. When trying to fit into a neurotypical world when you are Neurdiverse, it is confusing, your self-worth and self-esteem is shattered, you lose yourself trying to fit in with others, by masking who you really are, through fear of not fitting in, being rejected or being too much for others. I have helped many clients explore and accept themselves for who they are, through unconditional positive regard and being non judgemental. 

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